Monday, July 1

The excitement continues as we enter the second round of championship play today.  Coach Hahnenberg began the morning with chapel on the steps and a discussion about humility.  He talked about keeping the "third rule," God, others and then self.  He told a story about George Washington fixing a stone fence that someone in his riding group knocked down and how he went back and fixed it.  He was not too important to do the right thing even though he was the President of the United States.  He also talked about the importance of sacrifice and how it ultimately leads to fulfillment and that the gift of love and self is the greatest gift we can offer another person.  Coach Braswell ended our time in a prayer and the teams began the championship rounds.  When teams weren't in competition yesterday, they had team practices, pool time, or watched the championship games. We ended the evening with brownies and milk. Campers have admirably sustained the excitement level for our final week at camp, it's remarkable to see how much they have grown as team players and citizens of Sports Camp.  For more pictures click here.